Attention Deficient Delight
So here's a little insight, into how my brain works.I'm standing in line at the coffee shop, the clerk looks bored and slightly put out. It occurs to me that he's not happy and probably doesn't like his job. But then I think, well its a coffee shop, it's not shoveling snow or anything. There's no reason to be so down. Then I think... What if he has a kangaroo.Sure it might sound fun at first, hey I've got a kangaroo. It probably cost a lot of money. Saving up tips and paychecks from the coffee shop to finally get a kangaroo, and you get it, and it sucks! Seriously, how do you feed and care for a kangaroo? Where do you keep it, do they shit everywhere? I mean it's so novel that you can't just let it go, and even if you did, who would take it? But now he's jumping all over your apartment, getting complaints from the neighbors and he can't be left alone because he just runs around punching furniture and shit because he has like ten square feet to roam. Plus the one time you try to put something in his pouch he just about took your fucking eye out, because as cute as it sounds they don't like being touched.Then I think, no why would he possibly have a kangaroo. Just pulling that off would require a bit of ingenuity and investment. Surely more than this surly emo-barista has. So he's probably just a bitch. Finally I put in my order and get my drink and sit down, and there's some chick playing with her kid. Seems cute, you know? But then she says something about "When your mommy gets back". Wait what? I was sure that was her kid, does she have dependency issues? Is her mother locked in the trunk of the ford focus out front? Is she like a creepy overbearing friend who's babysitting. I decide I don't care enough and go back to sipping my coffee. Which burns my lips.Why is coffee so hot? I mean I know it should be hot. But why give it to a person when its undrinkable. Sure I know some hardcore people suck it down like the teat of the virgin mary even though it's spilling lava and demons out of it. But the majority of people get a cup of coffee put it to their lips and go, ouch. I think for several minutes about the possibilities of delivering colder coffee and how many people would bitch about it, and how much more hassle it would be for the employees who, as we determined earlier, have their own set of problems. Even if they aren't kangaroo related.I eventually get into my car and drive home and I space out for about 10 minutes, and then snap back to reality and realize that I've been navigating through traffic, lanes, lights, and pedestrians without being fully concious or aware of what I'm doing... Does that make me a super driver, like some sort of multi-tasking god? Or a terrible old-asian-lady level irresponsible driver? Did I just wipe out some group of infants and block it all out because it was too horrible to digest? I check for baby blood on the windshield and hood, and then realize that it would probably be on the back window depending on the angle of contact. Then I shake my head and realize I'm being foolish, I didn't hit a bunch of babies and if I did, what the hell were they doing in the road? A deseperate cheerleader pyramid for attention? Do they group together at that age? Then I realize, I've been spacing out again and I'm almost home. I almost check for gore on the car again and then decide its time to focus.I get out of the car and head inside where I sit down at the kitchen table. Someone walks by and says "Hi how was work?" and I mumble some response, but really, how was work? Who the hell cares. If worked sucked I wouldn't want to talk about it. And if work was great it would be specific to me and they wouldn't give two shits about how great a page of code turned out. I guess its one of those "nothing" questions, which are relatively harmless. After all how would it be if every time you walked in the door, your roommate was prepared with some deep philosophical or technical question to pose to you. Like "What's your interpretation of quantum connectedness regarding mutual electron spin regardless of distance?" or "Is religion a set of rules to police an outdated society with no police force?" I guess I could answer either one to some degree, but I'd probably be really annoyed at having to think about it when I just got home. More than likely I'd make some joke like "My balls are Quantum" and then drink some milk from the fridge, because fuck that getting a glass shit, that's just paranoid.hmm I wonder....