Metaphorical Conversation

Adam: love

Rachel: bitter indifference

Adam: questionable caring?

Rachel: airy dismissal

Adam: intense mood swing

Adam: snarky comment about dismissal

Rachel: failure to notice snak due to absorbtion in self

Rachel: *snark

Adam: tangent about bad childhoold

Rachel: Eyes rolled out of your line of sight and internal monologue about whiners

Adam: sudden angry outburst

Adam: comment about your similarities to your motherRachel: superior irritated condemnation of your overreaction

Adam: softly spoken threatRachel: amusement at your dramatics

Adam: physical damage to nearby wall

Adam: rapid apology

Adam: barely contained tearsRachel: put-upon sigh, grudging tending of bleeding fist

Adam: long winded explanation of terrible day

Adam: expression of appreciationRachel: scratched head and suggestion of trip to place that supplies over-suggared coffee drinks

Rachel: Christian side-hug

Adam: awkard boob grope

Adam: resigned acceptance

Adam: happy metaphorRachel: rant on trite cliches

Adam: ass-slap

Adam: new view on lifeRachel: Jaded view on life

Adam: sad realization

Adam: -fin-