The Science of Fighting Orphans
Adam: He would kick down the door of that orphanage and say
"look, some of you don't have parents, and that's sad, but I'm gonna burn this place down, and if you want to live you have to get through me.."
Then you see how many orphans you can take on at once, when they're desperate. Sure they're undernourished, but adrenaline helps.Adam: At first it's like a shooting gallery, you're wiping the floor with orphan after orphanAdam: then the numbers start to swell as they realize the flames are growing closer to their bedsAdam: suddenly it's a numbers game...Adam: you're like the spartans in 300 blocking a pivotal point of entryAdam: they are the persian hordesAdam: sure you have the easy combat skill advantageAdam: but the hordes may overrun you if your'e not smartAdam: and don't pace yourselfAdam: Eventually, you're going for the most economic killAdam: a crushed larnyx, a broken neckAdam: The orphans piling up providing a brief respiteAdam: as they have to clamber over their deadAdam: sure, it's scaryAdam: but it's also the biggest rush you've ever hadAdam: you find yourself screaming a war-cry you never knew you hadAdam: PARENTS!Adam: PARENTS!!!Adam: you'll scream through the blood and teeth and flying stick-like limbs of the underprivleged children you're decimatingAdam: which only enrages them moreAdam: and feeds the cycle...Adam: sooner, rather than later, it's all over.Adam: and you're there, covered in gore and bits of the felt blanket they tried to use as a net or barrierAdam: As you walk away, orphanage burning merrily behind you, you stop and think
"Maybe I should masterbate"
Adam: Because now, you're finally ALIVEAdam: -fin -